Copie Antique de l'Exposition 1867 Internationale de Paris de Vestibule Établissant Explo… Télécharger Livres Gratuit PDF et ePub
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Copie Antique de l'Exposition 1867 Internationale de Paris de Vestibule Établissant Explo... Antique Print of 1867 Vestibule Paris International Exhibition Building Explosion Railway Penrith 1867 Vestibule Paris International Exhibition Building Explosion Railway Penrith A Full page from the Illustrated London News, an illustrated weekly newspaper weeks date as shown on top of page, the size of each page is approximately (including margins as seen)10 x 14.5 inches (260x370).All are genuine antique prints and not modern copies, the Illustrated London News is an illustrated magazine which was first printed in 1842 and is the finest pictorial example of a historic social record of British and world events up to the present day. The ILN is known for its coverage of the following subjects the wars, ships, boats, guns, sailing, portraits, fine art, old and antique prints, wood cut, wood engravings, early photographs, Victorian life, Victorian culture, kings, queens, royalty, travels, adventures, natural history, birds, fish, mammals, fishing, hunting, shooting, fox hunting, sports including tennis, cricket, football, horse racing, politics and many more items of interest founded by Herbert Ingram may 14th 1842.“All good books have one thing in common – they are truer than if they had really happened.” -Ernest Hemingway
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